IH -m r 1* ' .M rE" ~^ ^s- ms. t ^ Boston Public Library Do not write in this book or mark it with pen or pencil. Penalties for so doing are imposed by the Revised Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This hook was issued to the borrotver on the date last stamped below. t^^R i" •y B. P. L. FORM NO. 609: 3.13,42: ES2U. ' \ 4 A SKETCH OF THE £ir£ OF ELIZABETH T. STONE, AND OF HER PERSECUTIONS, WITH AN APPENDIX OF HER ^f&,. TREATMENT AND SUFFERINGS WHILE IN THE CHARLESTOWN McLEAN ASSYLUM, where she was confined under the Pretence of Insanity. 1842: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR. u-rv' cr y ! i^r: 11 \l]^ PREFACE. Feeling that the public is very much deceived concerning the reatment and situation of a poor afflicted class of the human family, ivho are placed in the McLean Assylura at Charlestown, by their relatives, and are left in the hands of strangers, subjected to the treat- ment of those whose hearts are hardened by being long accustomed to human suffering, and who are ignorant and unqualified, I will ex- pose this matter to the public, in behalf of the afflicted, in connec- tion with the awful, brutal outrage that has been committed upon me in consequence of indisposition resulting from hard labor and per- secution, so the public may be warned against placing their friends .here, especially if they would not have them ill-treated or suffer unnecessarily. First, 1 shall give a short sketch of my life down to the time when I was carried to the Hospital^ then an account of the crime in con- nection with the treatment 1 received there, until I was taken out. ( feel that this should particularly interest the christian world ; but »vhether it is believed or not, I am determined to publish it, that the people of God may take care of their own peop^le in time of persecu- tion at the expense of one's life, whether father, mother, brother, or sister step in between. The unconverted do not understand spirit- uality, therefore a weak, persecuted christian should not be consign- ed to their hands. If others who have suffered this cruelty before me (as Dr. Fox says that both male and female christians have been destroyed there before) had published and exposed the x^'icked crime to the world,! might have been saved from suffering here and here- after. I is covered up under the garb of "derangement," but I am willing to let the world know it, that others may be saved irom these awful outrages of the wicked at the present day. I know that the world iw general is ignorant of this crime — of the fact that Doctors do possess knowledge of giving medicine to take away from a per- son the spirit of Christ, — but 1 have suffered it. I was born in Westford, Mass. My father was a mechanic, and poor ; my mother being often sick, with a family of 7 boys and 3 girls, we were all sent out young, upon tbe world, to get our own living. It t>eing the youngest girl, was left at home alone. The pe- culiar situation which I sustained in the family, being early disown- ed by my father ^ his lawful child, he being intemperate at the time, may be imagined. I was often the object of his wrath, though in ^^,is sober hours I was kindly treated by him, as he was a man often- der feelings. But my mother's affections were always alienated from tne, and 1 always felt the want of a mother's love, and conspquentlv became very unhappy. I determined to seek mv own living and share the same fate of the resj, of the family by buffetinar a cold un- feeling world. At the age of fifteen I resorted to the factories in Lowe!!, where 1 found employment and became expert at the business. K:nowini: that I had myself to lake care of and no one to depend upon, I was ambitious and often asked my overseer ibr the privilecre oftendino- double work, which was often granted: and as I had the means of providing for my own wants and some to spare, I became restless and often wished I had the means to go to school, as my mother of- ten told her children to get learning— it was what the world could not take from us; (but O, alas! mine has been taken from me by medicine, being given to me in an artful manner to harden my brains, and the brain is the seat of the mind and the mind is the store-house of knowledge) and I felt the want of it as I became advanced in years and went into society. I soon began to make arrangments to place myself at some school. I went home at the age of eighteen and went to the Academy in Westford three or four months, and then, m the year 1834, the first of May, I started for New Hamp- ton in company with a young lady from Boston, she being my onlv acquaintance. I found the school very pleasant, and the teachers were ardently pious. It was now that I felt that God had often cal- led after me and I had refused to obey him and had not ])repared for my knowledge. This increased the carnal state of my heart against religion, tor it appeared to me like foolishness, for there was noth- ing but the simple religion of Jesus Christ,' no disputing, no sectari- an spirit, and I was surrounded by the prayers of my teachers and the pious scholars. But I withstood all the entreaties tlirough the summer term. I was determined not to get religion when there was inucli said about it, for I looked upon it as excitement, as many oth- ers foolishly call it. There were about one hundred and five schol- ars, and at the end of the term all but three of us'professed to have an interest in Christ. Duringr the vacation I could not throw oft^the conviction that had seized hold of my mind, that God in his mercv jjad spared my life, and permitted me to enjoy this last privilege. A't the commencement of the Fall term ns usual, we all assembled on tSwnday morning — the professors in the Hall alinve, while the nn- converted were in the Hall below — to hear the Scriptures cxplain- rd. Miss. Sleeper, one of the teachers, that assembled with us, came directly to me after the exercises were. »ver and asked me if I'felt as I did during the last term. I told her no. She s.aid she was very glad of it and hoped I sliould not leave off seeking until I ■found the Siivior. I felt that I had committed myself, that I now r.ould not draw back, that I must persevere on and let the world kncir th?)t { ije,eded a Saviour to save rne from acting out the wick- ^^a strtte of my heai't. 1 («iuld not throw it ofT. On Monday eve- ning all the unconverted were invited by our njuch Ipved teacher, Miss. Haseltine, to meet her at the Hall. Accordingly I went in company with several other ysoung ladies. After reading the Scrip- tures and addressing us very affectionately, she asked us to kneel down and join her in prayer. Accordingly I did so, but I thought I was more hardened than ever ; and felt ashamed that I was on my bended knees ; but wishing to act ^tirom principle and to prove wheth- er there was any reality in what my teacher said about religion, £ was determined to persevere on, although it was contrary to my car- nal state of heart. Accordingly 1 told every one that I meant to know the real religion of Jesus 'Christ and live up to it, if it was what they said it was. I attended all the meetings and was willing to do any thing that I thought I ought to do ; but I began to think that I had grieved the Holy Spirit and was about giving up seeking any longer until I should feel, as very often I did before in meet- ings and then I should have religion. This was on Saturday, a fort- night after I w^s willing to own th^t I felt the need of an interest in Christ. Oir tny way home from school, a young lady overtook me and inquired v.'hat was the state of my feelings, I frankly told her what was my conclusion. She then told me how she found the Saviour — how slie sought three years ; but all that time she said she was seeking conviction when she ought to have sought forgiveness and told me that 1 must seek for immediate forgiveness, and a;k«J me if I was willing to. I told her that I would, for I found that 1 had been seeking conviction and was already convicted. Accord ingly I went home, and after 1s, but how could they be conveitfcd without the way of salvation was explained to tlieni7 They did not attend j)ublic worship; they believed that they should be saved when they should die : but I had found a Saviour that saved nie here from sinninor, for the love af God constrained me to lay down all earthly enjoy- ments when they came in contact with any thing that I must do for Christ. ] thought I would goto them and tell them, thinkino- they would believe me. Accordingly on my return from school I /' visited my parents, I)ut not until the Spring, on fast day, with my youngest brother. We passed the day very agreeably. 1 told them that I had niet with a change, but said but Ijttle, as I did r,ot wish to argue the point, for they were both against me and said they thought I had got my hr f.'m fur7trd hy studying too much. But I knew I must bear this "ahd"""gfeater things if I wished to do my heavenly Father's will, which was my meat and drink. I left home without prayirig for them, which I felt condemned for. 1 resolved if God would spare my life to go home again 1 would bear the cross of Christ.' During the winter my mind had been niuch tried about the two 6rdinances ; and what to do, I did not know, for I wished to give a i-easonable answer why 1 went with one class of God's peo- ple more than another. I bearded with a Mr Washburn, a very pi- ous man belon home and I concluded to live in tiho factory for every plan that I I laid seemed to be thwarted. I often had. something given to n'le to | do by God which I found was contrary to my carnal feeling?. I / boarded at this time with a Mrs King, on the Boot corporation. — My sister Nancy wanted to come aod board with me. We never had a'-reed from little children, and twice I had left the mill on her account and my boarding house, and as I always thought if it !iad not been for her I and my sister M, never would have disagreed. But I llioHght if it was in me I would csnquer it at the expense of tlie last feeling I had In me; but here was another firey trial of my . faith. 1 ever carried ali my actions before the judgment seat of Christ. I fek 1 was not my own, I was bought with a price — the .precious blood of the Lamb. My object was to get money to go to the West as a teacher to win souls to Christ. My sister was taken sick and \ staid out of the mill to take care of her. I was at this .time tending doul)le work. When the physician called upon her we were drawn in conversation about people in general taking too much medicine. 1 was innocent about giving any offence. 1 took the directions abor.t my sister's medicine, and after the Doctor had Jeti; the house spoke about her taking it. She said she should not take it aud did not wish me to do any thing for her ; but would say no more. 1 told her-that it was foolish for me to stay out of the mill if sh« v.'ould not let me take care of her, and began to reason the case; but could not prevail upon her and feared that we should again fail out. I endeavored to keep my feelings under and try to 'do for her whether she would let me or not; but it did no good. My acquaintance was a circle of young ladies of respectability and we had prayer meetings' and t had been very forward in them — I had had an evening school and opened it with prayer. To have a falling out with my sister would hurt the casuse of Christ, which was dearer to me than my life. I keep it to myself and tried to get a ong, for when there is difficulty there is blame on both sides; but it kindled to a fl.une^ yet I said but little about it. But I counted •it all joy, for it harBbled me, for my earthly character was like the apple of my eye to me, and I came to the conclusion that it was better to board apart. I therefore determined to change my board- ing place, and say nothing about it to any one. I went to Boston 'as not granted. I perceived my weaknesrf was increasing and I thought the people of God ought to do for me. This was on Mohday. About 4 o'- clock in the afternoon Dr. Wheelock Graves came in to see me, and sat about ten minutes and conversed mostly with my sister 15 about Mr,. Miller, saying that he ought to be horsewhipped or put'w' in prison. I concluded that my brother and sister had been tell- ing him that I was one of his converts, although my sister profess- es to be washed by the blood of the Lamb. The Doctor felt of my puise. I told him he did not understand, my situation. He pre- scribed nothing for me and left the room, my sister sat sewing and did nothing for me. At night after the girls came out of the mill there was a great rush into rny room, which increased my excite- ment. My room was full, some saying one thing, some another, while others were laughing. I asked Esther Richer, who stood laughing, to ga out, as she had opposed me much about attending meeting among the Christian denomination. Upon that a good sister in Christ by the name of Townsend, said she thought there were too many in my room, and then they all left me alone with my sister. I thought I had hindered her some by her taking her work home from the shop, and 1 offered to sew for her. She took the work out of my hand and told me to go to bed. My sister slept with me. I spoke to her in the night, and she scolded me for it. As soon as I heard Miss Lufkin up in the morning I went to the door and asked her to take care of me and not let nie do wickedly for my sister was unkind to mo. I felt the want of a kind friend. ^ She said she would, and made a fire in my room. I thought that 1 would give the world for a kind friend to take me and do for me. Again I plead to s*ee Elder Cole, my minister, or some one of the church. She said it was all in vain for me to say anything about it. About noon Elder Cole came down to see me, hearing of my situation. He talked kindly to me; thought I had Wurked too hard and over exerted myself, and told me to take some valerian tea, said he would send Dr. Sprague to see me. Miss Lufkin said she thought Dr. Graves would tend me. I told them I did not wish Dr. Graves, for he knew nothing about me nor spirituality. ^ I wanted Dr. Sprague, as he was knowing to my persecutions, | and his wife was a dear sister to me in Christ Jesus. He had been down to see me, but was not admitted. I told Elder Cole I would do just as he told me. My sister had asked me if she should send for brother Stephen.'' I told her no, for I did not wish him to know any thing about me, for he had so cruelly treated me, which before this I had kept to myself. Likewise his wife had manifested the greatest hatred towards the present day reform of preparing to meet Christ, and warning others to be also ready, although she belongs to a congregational church. But I had en- | deavored to keep the faith with her as with every one that profes- \ ses to be a follower of the Lamb. My sister took the advantage f of my weakness, and unknown to me, sent for brother Stephen to | come and get me. This brother resides in Boston. This was the ; third day frt.m leaving my work; there had been nothing done for me, although I have since learned that many of my aosociates call- 16 ed and offered to do for me, but were not permitted. What kind of treatment is this in this Gospel land of light and liberty? The spirit of the vilest persecutions began to be raised against me in that house, and now was a favorable opportunity for it to be com- pleted. About 4 o'clock brother Stephen came in and asked me to go down and spend Thanksgiving with them, as he was up on business, and asked Nancy and brother James likewise. We all concluded to go; but I hesitated some, for 1 never had gone any where after I had met with a change of heart, without going to do God service, for I felt that I was not my own; I was bought with a price, the precious blood of the Lamb. Brother Stephen said he would be there in half an hour. I went and prepared myself; took what work I thought I should want on a visit, and was sitting in my room when my brother Stephen and Dr. Graves came in. — The Doctor asked me if I was going on a visit with my brother.? — I told him yes. They both went down stairs together into the front room, and I went down and took my leave of the family. — Little did 1 think that Dr. Graves was called in to give a line to have me carried into an Insane Hospital — a poor girl that he knew nothing about, nor the peculiar circumstances of the family, that had always raised a report against me that I was deranged ever since I went to New Hampton to school, because it was there that I met with a change. I have been particular in speaking ®f the manner of my life after I met with a change, but to describe all that I lived up under, would be more than I can write 'at this time. But truly I felt I had come up out of great tribjlation, and was washed in the blood of the Lamb, 1 had attained unto the power of Christ's resurrection, my mind being unbiassed by any creed or doctrine of men. When I was converted I knew nothing but Jesus and him Crucified. I arrived at my brother's, that night itbout 7 o'clock. I met his wife as usual. After tea I retired to a room with my brother's wife, telhng her of my persecutions, and how God had revealed himself to me. She said she thought it was wisdom in God not to reveal his glory to us while here in the body. She had felt so much the glory of God in her own soul that she had been almost overpowered. She thought that God had nothing more for me to do. What does such language imply? Is there a person this side of the grave for wnom God has nothmg more to do? But I did not know then that man had the knowledge to take the holy spirit from a person by giving them medicine; but she had alieady conceived the wicked deed in her heart, and knew where the aio- ful crime could be done, and her very language expressed what she knew was about to be done to me, although I did not then suspect any evil. Had it been said to me in any other place but a brother's house, and by a female, I should have suspected I was about to be murdered, or some other brutal outrage committed up- 17 on me. If I had been among the rude barbarians I should not have been so easily deceived; but I looked up to a sister to do for rae, and asked her to let me stay with her, and I would sew or do any thing for her; but she appeared to be very angry with me ev- ery time that I spoke about what God had done for me. I said but little to any one when I retired, for sister Nancy and Sophia, bro- ther Stephen's wife, went with tiie into my room. In my usual manner before I laid my head upon my pillow, I knelt by my bed and silently offered my prayer to God. My sister Nancy said *'see that,'' and Sophia answered " / am sorry to see it.'' I said nothing, but thought it very strange that in this christian land any one should be sorry to see another on their bended knees before an holy God, and especially one that knew me so well as a sister. I slept sound all knight, and felt much refreshed in the morning, and happy that 1 had got away from a house where I had been so persecuted. How little did I know where 1 was to be carried, and what was about to be done to me. O, that a dagger had been" PLUNGED INTO MY HEART IN THE MIDNIGHT HOUR, for what I have suffered here is beyond the power of language to describe. And then every source of happiness is taken from me here and here- \ after, to be forever tormented in fire. It may be looked upon as derangement or delusion, but as true as there is a God that sitteth| upon his eternal throne, so true this awful crime has been done to| me; and let any one reasonably look upon the treatment that I re-! ceived, it will show it was nothing- but a spirit of the vilest persecu-s tion. But my wicked relations that hated me without a cause arel screened from the law of our country, and in part from public cen-| sure, together Avith the Doctors; and it may be thrown back upon^ me that I am a poor deranged person; but God only knows the?' distress that my body is every moment in, and then that I never^ can be relieved. Wednesday, the 24th, I passed as I usually did while on a visit to my brother's, not suspecting that they were looking upon me as a deranged person, and above all, knowing that horrid crime could, be done to me and plunge me into everlast- . ing misery, a poor innocent, unprotected sister, that had toiled late and early to get along. Thursday, 25th Nov., Thanksgiving day of 1840, I arose, took breakfast, and found brother Stephen's wife in bed with the sick head-ache. The girls all seemed to be engaged, and I, of course, in my way to do for the sick wherever I was, waited upon her. Brother Eben, wife and children had come in to pass the day, from Jamaica Plain. I began to play with them, as I always did; but I observed they did not greet rae V with that affectionate liveliness they were accustomed to. I took no notice of it to let them know it. About 10 o'clock, while I sat at my work in the parlour, my brother Stephen came in and ask- ed me to go to a ride with him. This surprised me, as our broth- ers were never very attentive to iheir sisters; but I thought he 2* 18 pitied me on account of my troubles, knowing the life that I had tried to live. I told him I did not care about going to ride, as it was not my health, but my spiritual life which he did not under- stand, and asked him to let me stay with Sophia, and I would sew or do any thing for them; he said he wanted me to go and see a physician. 1 told him it was not a physician that I wished to see, I should rather see some minister, who would better understand my situation. He said I should not see any one. I then asked him to let the see Mr. Winslow, his own minister, as I always lik- ed him very much, as he is a very spiritual minded man. He said no, I should not see him. He said the Doctor was a pious man. I asked what church he belonged to; he answered Mr. Winslow's. I then said, well, I will go and see him, thinking it would do no harm. Upon that, he said with a great degree of triumphant feel- ing, ihafs the place for such ones as you are. Could a brother em- bue his hands in the blooxl of a sister's eternal life, to take the ad- vantage of her weakness, put her under locks and keys, and hire men to do the awful crime; and is there such a house where this crime can be done and tolerated, by the public upholding men that are willing to be hired to do the greatest of all crimes, and poor beings cannot help themselves, nor any kind friend get to them to protect them? Is this done in this free and happy land? Because I differed from some of my family in my religious opinion must I be taken and imprisoned? But if that was all, 1 would not notice it any more than I ever did all their previous unkind treatment. — I had always done for myself from the time that I was in my 15th year, and received no assistance from any one of the family, and had endeavored to support a good character, although I was call- ed to walk in the humble walks of life, and had often met with the cold neglect of the rich and popular class of the world because I was a poor factory girl. My brothers had never offered to do for me or to help me along. Each one of us had to do for ourselves; but they might have treated me with common humanity. I never t'lought labor dishonored any one, but while I was on a visit to see my brother Stephen, his wife requested me not to let any one know that I worked in a, factory, which made me very unhappy; and because 1 went to Great Falls to work in the factory, brother Stephen sent my things in a fictitious name, not wishing any one to know that he had a sis er that worked in the factory, which caused me to be suspected of being a loose character. I was on- ly in my 19lh year, and a stranger to every one in the place. — God only knows what I had to live up under. But 1 said nothing to any one about it, only to my oldest sister, Mary, as all my troubles I confided in her; but to return to my subject. Soon a» my brother ICi't the room, I went into Sophia's room and told her what my brother had said. She again said she thought God had nothi?ig more for me to do; b'ut what she meant I did not know. — 19 After dinner, brother Stephen came into the room and said, now Elizabeth we will have that ride that we spoke ol". I went and prepared myself, but again I went and talked with Sophia, I told her it would do no good to go and see a physician, for they knew nothing about spirituality, and it would injure the cause of God. She said, O no, God has nothing more for you to do; get your health and I will come and see you in two or three days. I was not expecting to stop, but would go and see the Doctor because I could not contend any more. After I got into the chaise with my brother, 1 began to reason with him upon the foolishness of going to see a physician. He said it was a young ladies' boarding place 1/ and the Doctor was a pious man, and 1 could have any thing that I wanted. I told him I thought it very foolish to throw away so much money, as our parents were poor. Better do good with it, for I knew what the world was; they cared for nothing if they could but get money, and I did not wish to be among strangers. He would not barken to what 1 said, but said he was willing to pay my board three or six months, or longer, and that's the place for such ones as I was. If I had been a disturber of the peace of any community or family, well he might have said so; but then we have laws in this country, by which a person may be tried, and made to suffer the penalty of the law they break. 1 was non-resistant. I said every thing that I could say. After we arrived there I was ^ introduced to Dr. Bell, in his parlour. He asked me to relate my christian experience. (I wish the reader to mark the manner in which the doctor addressed me, for what has a physician to do with a person's christian experience?) In my usual manner I asked him if he had a change of heart? He said yes, to avoid an argument, I told him I never argued or disputed about religion. He said then he had not what the world called a change. I told him then he must excuse me from saying any thing about my christian experience, as he would not understand it. JVIy brother began to urge me together with the Doctor. I did not knov/ why y. I must relate my christian experience to a Doctor and an uncon-*/ verted man at such a time, for it seemed to me like mockery. I refused again and again, but, no, I must relate it. Being no longer able to withstand these entreaties I told what God had done for me to that time. Spoke of being bound in fhe spirit and 1 felt a bon- dage of soul. He said he could give me something to relieve that bondage of soul and benig bound ia the spirit. I told him I should- rather be with my own folks and I should rather not stop. Upon that my brother and the Doctor both began to urge me vehemently and said I had no respect to any one's judgment. I had always provided for myself, and why I should be so urged to stay at a boarding place when I did not wish to, I did not know; and I told the Doctor I- did not know what he had to do with my soul. But they both said so much I told them" I would stay, as every thing in ^i 20 the room indicated respectabi'ity. They went out of the room, and while they were gone I thought it was no place for me, think- ing it was a ladies' boarding place among the popular class, and "was not the place for a christian in such a weak state. I went out and asked my brother to take me back with him. He seemed t© be so angry with me he could hardly control his feeling. He put his hand upon my shoulder and gave me a push, and said he could not carry me back, but would come and see me the next day; I then returned into the parlor and began to take off my things when a tall, black eyed, masculine looking female came and took me by the arm and asked me if she should wait upon me up stairs. I thanked her and walked up stairs with her, thinking she was going to show me my sleeping room. She waited upon me into a long painted gallery with sleeping rooms on both sides, and she left the room. There were a number of ladies sitting around in the gallery. I went to the window to take a view of the prospect, and the iron grate met my eye. I turned to a lady and asked her if she would inform me what those iron grates were at the window for. She made me no reply. I turned to another and asked her, and she made no reply, but rose and went into her room. I ask- ed her pardon, I did not intend any offence, I was a stranger there. I then went to the door to go down into the parlor whei;^ I came out; but I found the door locked. Upon that I made the expres- sion ''grated ivi/idows, and locked doov, where am I.'"' Upon that,, a female stepped out of her room, I perceived she was not such a person as I had ought to be with at that time. She took me by- waist and said they were kind folks there. 1 asked her where I was, and wished to see the lady of the house, and asked her to let me alone; but no one would give me any answer. About dark the bell rung to call the ladies down 'to tea. A very modest young lady came out of her room and asked me if she should walk with rae down to tea. I thanked her, and I was waited upon down into a large room where there was a large table set with all kinds of refreshments. The company presented a strange appearance, the peculiarity of their dress, and many things did not look right. I wondered how my brother came to place me among such crea- tures, in my weak state. I drank a cup of tea and left the room, thinking it was no place for me, for I had longsince left balls and parties, and scenes of mirtlifulness. Miss Barbei*, the same one that had waited upon me up into the gallery, asked me where I was going. I told her I wished to retire to my room. She waited on me up into the same gallery. I went into one of the rooms and knelt down and asked God to deliver me from that place, and to return me to the people ofGod, Soon Mary Brigham, the atten- dant, came into the gallery, 1 asked her many questions to find out where I was, and what kind of boarders they kept there; but ghe would make me no reply, I asked her if the hourly went inta 21 Boston from there, but she made me no reply: she had the marks of a methodist. I thought if she loved God, if I talked of the love of God, I should draw her towards me. I told her how I loved God, and said many things about sanctification, but she made me no reply. 1 thought this was very strange treatment. I then asked her for something to take. She said the Doctor never gave anything under two days. I told her it was necessary, and that I wanted some valerian tea; but she said I could not have any thing that night, and when the bell rvng nine, she said it was the hour for the ladies to retire. I went to my room and asked Miss Brig- ham if my door fastened; she said yes. I asked her for the key; .. she said she locked the door and kept the key. After I had retir- ed she came into my room and took my clothes out. I asked her , what that was for; she said it was the rule of the house, and she locked me in alone. I did not sleep any all night, from the excite- ment of the day, and wondering what my brother should place me with such characters for. I came to the conclusion that it was a place where females of ill-fame boarded, with physicians to get help in time of trouble. In the morning when Mary Brigham came and unhicked my door, 1 told her I had not slept any all night. — ^ She said, well, ihaVs nothins;. I asked her to let me see the Doc- tor as soon as possible, for 1 wished to return in the first h urly. She made me no reply. I rose and went to the upper end of the gallery and'asked Miss Brigham to excuse me from going to the table, as my dress was ftot adjusted, and had not brought my combs and hair brush with me, and asked her to let me have a cup of cof- fee there. She threw a hair comb into my lap and commanded me to come to the table; upon which I adjusted ray dress as soon as possible and went to the table. Every thing presented a strange appearance. Great tin lid pots and a wooden waiter and broken dishe«. A plate of crackers set on the end of the table where I t/' sat; I went to take one, and one of the ladies spoke and said they were hers, but I might have one; I asked her to excuse me, and took a piece of bread. After breakfast I went to go into my room, . as I had not slept any all night, and found my door locked ; I went and sat down and asked if there was any christians there, when one lady said she was a baptist, and she knew a Mary Stone in Boston. I told her it was my sister. I asked her to be my friend, and she said she would, and that I might lay down in her room. Accordingly she went into her room with me and covered me up in her bed and shut the door; just as I had got into a sweet sleep, Mary Brigham came. in and ordered me up. I rose and asked her to let me lay down in my room, as I had not slept any all night. — She said the ladies were not allowed to lay down in the day time. One of the ladies told me to ask ihe supervisor to let me have my room door open What it meant to have a supervisor in a ladies' boarding house I knew not; but when she came in I found it was 22 the same one that had waited upon me into the gallery, I asked her to be my friend, and told her she did not know how I did love God; she said she would be my friend, but she did not want any silly fancies. What she meant I did not know, for 1 did not know there was any fancy about Christianity. I asked her i( I could have a bowl of valerian tea a^d have my door open to lay down. She said yes, and told Mary Brigham to open my door; just as I had got into asleep again, Mary Brigham and Miss Barber came and threw off'the clothes. I being weak and excited got up and asked if my brother had come, for he said he would come and see me the next day. I waiited to get with some one that knew me, for such treatment as thia I did not know wkat to make of. Miss Bar- ber immediately left the room and they would give me no answer. I went to my room to lay down, but found my door locked and I could not have the privilege of laying down again that day. About II o'clock Dr. Fox, the assistant physician, came in and began to converse wiih me; I told him it was not my reason that was effect- ed, or any distress of mind, but. I had undergone a cleansing or purifying by being washed in the blood of the Lamb; that I had tasted of tiie good word, and the powers of the world, too, and that I was weak and v,'anted some valerian tea, or semething to calm me; he said that I must not think I was so filled with the spirit; any minister would laugh at me. I repeated some past ages of the Scriptures to him; one was that St. Paul says, "Be ye '.jlled with the fullness of Gnd." He said it was because St. Paul saw the Lord Jesus. I told him that made no diflference, all had got to go the same way to heaven; that I stood upon the Gospel, but I never disputed about religion. He said he would give me something to calm and strengthen me; but nothing was brought me until noon, nor did my brother come to see me. After I had retired, Mary Brigham came into my room and said she had got some medicine for me. /rose up and took it, thinking it was something to do me good. It was a pill and a li'.tle mug of mixture, and Mary Brig- ham went out and locked the door; but O, alas how little did I know where I was and what I was put into that house for. Such a crime I never read of and it is covered up under the garb of de- rangement, and I am the poor sufferer. As soon as I took it I was thrown into most violent pain and distress, beyond the power of language to describe, neither can I give any one an adequate idea. The medicine effected my brain, the back part of my head, hard- ened or petrified it, and the brain is the seat of the nerves, and any one can conceive of the distress that I must be thrown into all over in my body, every nerve in me drawing and straining convulsively. Sometimes I was almo«t drawn back double and then forward, rolling in the bed from one side to the other in the greatest ago- ny. When my door was unlocked in the morning I rose, I had wept bitterly all night. The thoughts of my, situation, and for so strange a thing as it may appear, that medicine can be given to destroy the work of Grace in a person, even so it can be done, and Dr. Bell and Dr. Fox both possess that knowledge of giving medicine to accomplish this awful outrage upon Christianity; and it is done under the garb of derangement, and they are screened from public censure, and it is a greater crime than that they had tortured me to death any way that I ever read of. As I come oul of my room a young lady asked me what made me weep; so I took her hand and asked her to tell me where I was, and what kind of people I was with. She asked me if I did not know, and I told her no. She then told me that I wa^ in the Insane Assylum. I then knew that I was betrayed into the hands of the wicked to be destroyed. I told her that the medicine that they had given mo was killing the spirit of Christ in me; and that I was lost. I be- gan to lose all idea of holiness. But 1 knew it would be covered up under the garb of derangement, and then I recollected what my brother Stephen's wife said, " that God had nothing more for me to do." Of course, if any one has not the spirit of Christ, they cannot serve God. It is not only a belief, but they, must have the spirit. Dr. Fox came in about 10 o'clock; while I was layino- on the bed he stood looking at me, with Miss Barber. My jaws were unlocked. He made the remark to Miss Barber that he did not know whether it was the fulfillment of the prophecy, "there shall be knashing of the teeth," or whether it was hallooing "glory to God," so much. Oh, hov little they knew of the reason of my losing my ballance. It was my exerting myself so much after I had become a spiritual being, having no kind friend to do for me. But 1 said- nothing; 1 asked for the privilege of writing, which v^as granted. I wrote to brother Stephen's wife, and asked her to come and see me that afternoon, as soon as she got the letter, fo I could not believe that a female could be accessory to such a crime, although I well recollect how angry she appeared to be every time I spoke of what God had done for me. The Doctor said he would send it. That day, Saturday, passed away without bringing a ly one to see me. I thought cf my kind christian friends, my loved friend Nancy Sanborn; but now forever separa- ted from her, no more could we fondly anticipate going to the far West together, to be the instruments, in the hands of God, of ex- panding the immortal mind in knowledge, and teach the way of salvation to poor sinners. But now taken by the cunning crafti- ness of my relations, I was enclosed within bolted doors and grat- ed windows, where I could not make my escape, nor my friends px'event the brutal outrage that they were committing upon me. — Reader, for a moment imagine yourself in my situation. If you are not a christian you do not .wish to undergo pain, neither do you desire to be miserable, nor to be separated from your friends, with entire strangers that you never saw before, for it is contrary 24 to the laws that God has written in your nature. But I was a poor factory girl, without any rich father to protect me, or pious moth- . er to plead my cause, and 1 could say with David, I was an alien *^ from my mother's womb, to my mother's children, and in my weakness they sprang upon me. They would not let my christian friends do for me, neither would they do lor me themselves. I had friends that would have gladly done for me; long and dear ac- quaintances, both christians and unconverted, who would have opened their doors to me before they would have seen me the third day of my illness turned out of doors by Miss Lufkin, in my weakness, because I wished to serve God in spirit and in truth, j according to my profession, and carried off into a hospital or a T devil's den here upon earth, for I call these Insane Assylums no- thing less. But it is not the imprisonment or the cruel treatment that I received there that I speak of, for 1 would have borne that without a mv!?mur. But it is the medicine they gave me that rack- ed and tortured and killed the spirit of Christ within me. It is that spirit that gives a person a hatred to sin, supports them up under any torture. Christian reader, whatever name you may bear, it is you and you only that can truly feel for my distressed s'tuation, deceived into th.it house in such an unlaw^ful manner, ev^en if I had been deranged. I had property, and I ought to have had a guardian appointed, and kind steps taken with me. But to return to my subject: a table was spread, and a party, the Doctor being one of the number, sat down to play cards. The most un- qualified language came out of their mouths. I could hear the groans of the distressed all around me, some weeping to see their r friends, some for one thing, and some for another; and I in the ,; most awful distress, without one kind friend to speak to me; an in- i voluntary groan came with my breath. Again the medicine was I brought to me; I told the attendant it was destroying me, harden- \ ing my brain, and taking the spirit of Christ from me; she said I must take it. I did not know what to do, I could not help myself; to resist I knew would not do, and yet having partly the spirit of Christ, which is non-resistant, I took it, which increased my dis- tress. I was again locked into my room and left to weep and roll in my bed all knight, thinking of my dear friends, not relations. — But oh, they would not have dared to have done the crime out of that house, under the pretence of insanity, to screen my wicked relations, that htive been incensed against me ever since I met with a change of heart. Sunday morning came, and thus, in one short week, was I brought to my sad fate, for the want of a kind christian friend to step in between me and my cruel persecutors, and wicked tyranical relations. This dav passed away; the medi- cine was brought me to take twice a day, pills and a little mug of mixture; what it was I do not know, but I think I could tell the different kinds that I took if I could see them. Monday, 29th, 25 spassed away without any one coming to see me. Tuesday came, -and I again asked the privilege of writing, which was granted. I wrote to my brother S. asked him to come and see me immediate- ly, as he promised. The Doctor said he would send it, but the day passed away without any one coming. My distress became more violent. I told the Doctors they were taking from me my eternal happiness, by taking from me the spirit of Christ, I was -^ informed by one of the patients that they did not send the letters they gave me liberty to write. I conversed with Dr. Fox about my situation, and of the knowledge of this medicine, and why the world did not know it. He said that my brother knew all about it before I was brought there, and what I had got to suffer, and what my situation would be.- Reader, can you imagine what my suffer- ings were? No, you cannot. If you had witnessed them you might have then conceived of my dreadful agony. Telling of my 'distress and lost condition, I was mocked and ridiculed. This week passed away. Sunday came again, Dec. 5. No one had come to see mev I was left mostly alone in the gallery. The attendant and some of the patients had gone to meeting. One of the attendants came in and talked with me ; she spoke more kind to me than any one had since I come into the house. I told her my situation, and how I was a poor girl, and had from the age of 15 done for myself, and had never been sick, or any expense to the family or any other one* She seemed to express a deal of sympathy for me. She said it was a house of distress. I asked her how long she had been there j she said, I think, from six to eight years. She said she wished she had seen me when I fiist had been brought into that house. I then ask- ed her if she knew that clnistians could be destroyed there. She seemed not inclined to express her mind freely to me, but said that she had been tried much in her feelings, to see poor christians so trouWed about their religion in that house, and if their friends knew what was best for then) they would not bring them there. She de- sired me to control my feelings as much as possible. If I did not, I | should be showered. I tlien enquired, what that meant ; she then | described it to me, that I should be stripped of all my clothes, arid | cold water poured upon me, and I should be carried on to another | gallery, where the society would not be so pleasant, neither the ac- f cominodations so good. I told her that my distress was so great that it was impossible. I then asked her how she could be know- ing to such a crime and not to make it known to the world, for it was worse than murdering a person in this life. She said she sup- posed my folks knew all about it before I was brought there, but they would not be likely to tell me, and she bid me good bye. It seemed good to have any one speak kind to me, although ! had theh nearly lost all idea of holiness. When she left me, I laid myself down upon the floor, and wept bitterly ; I then thought I would 3 26 make way with myself, for 1 was betrayed ; my relations had atlast vented their revenge upon me, and now 1 was an outcast forever^ and never more could be happy. I was now separated forever from my loved friends. I thought of a much loved friend, Phebe Weir, who knew me before 1 was converted, one that I used to talk much with about my spiritual life. 0, that she could but behold me. — Soon they returned from meeting, but to cease from weeping and groaning, was impossible, for every nerve in me was drawing and twinging as though they would break. Christian reader, keep in mind that the spirit of Christ was killed in me, or I could have bles- sed and praised God, amidst all this suffering. But this distress of body was caused by the medicine given to me, to take away the spirit of Christ. It may appear like derangement, but what 1 tell you is the truth. Monday, 1 had endeavored to keep in my room as much as possible, and to keep from groaning, though it come vol- untary, for I dreaded to be carried on to another gallery, exposed and showered with cold water. But my sufferings would not cease in this world. I could not look forward to nevei ending eternity of happiness, for the idea of love had gone from me. I neither lov- ed God, nor this world. My body was now, as it were, dead ; my brain was becoming a mineral substance, all but my intellectual, faculties. In the afternoon. Miss Barber came in, in her masculine manner, to all appearance to exult in human misery, and asked me to take her arm. I knew I was going on to another gallery. I said nothing, for it would be of no use ; hearts that are so hardened in cruelty as they must be to do such crimes, would not listen to entreaty. Accoidingly I was led on to another gallery. Here I found perfectly deranged people, and some appeared to be in a great deal of distress. Esther Benton, the attendant, at first, was quite kind to me, but soon she began to show her power. She knew well my situation, for she had seen others suffer similarly about their religion in that house, and I was regarded as a vaga- bond, as truly 1 am. But would I have willingly thrown myself away ? Is it not a law in nature that every body desires happiness? But alas, for the want of a kind friend, I am lost to r.ll happiness here and hereafter. I cannot enjoy carnal non-spiritual things. I stayed in this gallery about a week, when Miss Barber came in one morning and said I must go down in the other gallery if 1 cried so. I told her to carry me, for it was the place of the greatest cruelty that I ever knew. How they x^ould witness a poor female suffer as I did, and to be accessory to it, I thought of all the cruelly I ever read of I never read of any equal to this. She led me down among perfect maniacs, in a cold, dark, cheerless room, with. no seat to sit on. Again I talked with Dr. Fox, and told him that my brother told me it was a young ladies' boarding house, and the Doctor was a pious man, and I expected to be taken under a Godly influence, instead of being torn to pieces in this manner, by medicine. 1 27 thought eternal life was of more importance than this life, and we ought to seek the soul's salvation of each other. He said, ihey did not do such things there, it was a place to get health, and he laughed at me for coming there, I told him he might try to keep it covered up under the garb of derangement, but 1 believed it would yet be exposed, although I was the poor sufterer. He said both male and | female had suffered it before me, and would not publish it because \ it would be looked upon as derangement, and no one would believe I it. I then asked him if holiness was liable to become a disease and "^ medical men knew it, ought they not to publish it to the world that every thing should be done for a person first by the people of God, before the medicine was given to them, and had such a crime ought to go under the garb of derangement, and poor creatures suffer for- ever in consequence of it. He seemed to think it was a very light thing, and laughed at me and said I had prayed too much. This is Dr. Fox, a member of the congregational church. Is this not worse than any crime that ever was practised upon a poor helpless crea- ture in any place of wickedness upon the face of the earth. 1 found the attendiint, Mrs. Enierson, very kind to me uniformly, in this gallery, and she often spoke of the cruel treatment of that house. — 1 stayed in this gallery until about the 26th of Dec, when Miss Barber came in and said that I must go to the cottage, or it might^ more properly be called a stone dungeon, where there are six cells, and some of them have a straw bed. The cell that I occupied had one; but oh, they might have shut me up in a stone dungeon and made me fast in the strap and buckle, and I would have praised God ; ' but no, 1 could not pray to God, my brain was like a mineral sub- stance. I was now enclosed in a stone dungeon, but I had a kind attendant by the name of Sarah Brown. If 1 spoke of my situation and of the sweets of redeeming love, I was mocked and laughed at by the Doctors, and Miss Barber seemed to exult in my misery. I often plead to see some of my relations, especially brother Stephen, who carried me there, but my request they refused. I often spoke to the Trustees about my situation and the manner of my life, and how cruelly I was deceived into that house ; but say what you will, it is regarded as derangement by them. I had been in this stone dungeon about three or four days, I come to the conclusion that I had nothing to live for; I was in distress of body, from the crown of my head to the sole of my foot. I was guilty of the blood of the covenant. I now did not love God or this world. My learning was now taken from me, that I had labored hard to acquire. My good \ name, which is better than precious ointment, was now gone. I | had become an outcast of earth and heaven. My food tasteless; I I had no longer any object to pursue. 1 accordingly made up my | mind to take my life that night. For that purpose I tore a piece of' | the sheet off. I then thought of my hard labors and striving to get'' | along, and my desire to set a bright example, and wlwt had it profits ' ' ed me, that in my weakness T should be taken and shut up where no» kind friend could approach to save me from the brutal outrage of man. I expected never again to see any one that I knew upon earth, and that while here 1 must be among the worst of characters. The attendant came in and bid me good night. I thought she was the last human being I should ever see ; 1 had got to go into hell's torment if I lived ; and to live any longer I thought there was no use. I laid down thinking 1 would wait until all was still. About 12 o'clock, I judge, I rose and walked up and down my cjell, think- ing that my life had become a burden to me. I thought of my loved companions, my loved New Hampton teachers, and that happy cir- cle of acquaintances, and then how cruelly the cry had been raised about me of being insane, in order to get me shut up, where this aw- ful crime could be done; how cruelly Caroline DammerS had in- censed my brother Stephen aguinst me, a young lady that I had done so much for; she had been down in the summer and talked to my brother's folks about my being so engaged in behalf of poor sin- ners, which was my meat and drink. If it was looked upon as de- rangement, it was something that made me happy and it did not lead me to do evil, but now 1 could not commit myself to (Jod, nei- ther did I think by putting an end to my life, that I should cease from one state of suffering and cruel tyranny. I put the string round my neck, and attached it to a hinge of the door. I gave my weight to the string, and began to lose all sense of feeling, the last I knew; the first thing I knew again, I found myself laying on the floor, in violent agony, hardly knowing anything. How long I had laid there I know not. The sweat was pouring out of me profusely. At first I could not move, but gradually coniti to. I recollected what I had attempted to do, and felt for the string and found it had broken, and that was the cause of my laying on the floor. I thought I would try the second time, and made the attempt, but was so weak that I could not manage. I began to feel a violent pain in my face, found my chin was badly cut, and thought probably my jaw was broken, for it hurt me to move it. I layed down and thought if it was broken it would be less painful to have it attended to, than to wait until morning. I called to the attendant, whose room was in the corner of the building. She came in and asked me what was the matter, I feigned io;norance. She said their was a great deal of blood upon the floor, and that my chin was badly hurt. She call- ed Miss Barber, they examined and found it not broken ; M'ent out and left me alone again for the night, but I was so weak that 1 could not attempt my life again. 'I'he next day the mark was observed upon my neck, and it was suspected that I had attempted to make Jf way with myself, and then I had the leather muff put on. Kut ■what they could wish to keep such a miserable suffering creature alive for, I did not know, but several of the attendants advised me not to take my life, but try to get out and publish it to the world^-^^ 29 I told them I would, for if others had published it before me, I might have been saved from suffering heue and hereafter. Although my account was sealed with God, yet I remembered the sweets of re- deeming love, and how good it was to pray to God ; but now through the instrumentality of the wicked, in my weakness, I must suffer forever. But the poor sons of God that have suffered this before me, probably have taken their lives, for Dr. Fox says that he has ex- amined the bodies of those that have had the holy spirit taken away from them, as I have, and said they are the same, only they are con- tracted. I stayed in the dungeon until the month of March, weep- ing and groaning my hours away. About the last of March I was. carried back from the dungeon to the gallery I left. Miss Emerson was my attendant. The day I was carried back was very cold, and Miss Barber ordered me to be locked up in my room, to exercise her authority over me. Miss Emerson was a good nurse. She said it was too cold for me to be there, coming out of such a warm room '* as the dungeon was. She went and asked Miss Barber to let me come out ; but no, she must keep me locked up. Miss Emerson came in and told me I had better lay down, for she knew the change of air was too much for me, even if I sat out in the gallery,, by the furnace, for this gallery is a cold comfortless place. To- wards night my distress increased, till it seemed as though every bone in me would fall apart. It seemed as though my breath would leave my body. Miss Emerson said she has told Miss Barber how cold I was, but she did not regard it. But I was not the only suf- ferer on account of their cruel treatment. Others were suffering the like in different ways. I stayed in this gallery till about the last of July, weeping and roiling on the floor, in pain, not allowed to lay on my bed, and often stripped and showered, as I was told I should.] be, as a punishment for weeping, because I was in distress, and lost! to eternal happiness, and deprived of my liberty, in the hands of ty-' rants. One day, while I was laying on the floor in agony, Dr. Fox came in and said that brother James had been there. I asked him what was the reason he did not let me see him, and he said he did not wish to see me ; he was glad I was there, and wished I had been two years before. This added double grief, and Dr. Bell seemed delighted to tell me of it, to tantalize me, and that he was so completely held up in his cruelty. I told him that this brother did not know the agony that I was in, for I did not think he could have the heart to rejoice in my misery, and to wish I had this bru- tal act done to me two years before. This brother I had done for more or less from a child ; he being the youngest, I had helped pay his board, his tuition, bought him books and clothes, and all the money that I had, I let him have to help him along; and could this be the way he was rewarding me for it? In this land of liberty where every one has a right to worship God as they please, must he rise against me and worse than murder me, because I worshipped 3* 30 God contrary to his views. He believes all will go to heaven whether they have in them the hcpc of glory or not. But he has a right to his belief. My religion would not have led me to be acces- sory to his imprisonment, and more especially to have medicine given him to rack and torture him. One day when the trustees were there, I addressed Mr Lowell about my situation; he gave a listening ear, when Dr. Bell stepped forward and said my physician said that I was a fit subject for the house. I told him I had no physician, for 1 never was sick but once in my life, and that was two years ago. He said he had a line from "VVheelock Graves, and one from Elder Cole, my minister. This surprised me, that a lead- er of God's people, to lead them out of sin, should give a line for a poor girl to be carried into an Insane Assyium. He knew my case^ and had heard me tell how God had dealt with me. But I told Dr. Bell 1 did not believe it, although it gave him the lie. I believed Elder Cole to be too good a man and friend to humanity to wish to destroy a young girl's character so much as to give a line for me to be carried into an Insane Assyium, the third day of my leaving my work. I asked Mr. Lowell to go and see my brother Stephen; but it availed nothing, for they all understood the iniquity of tliat house. I had not seen any one since I had been there that I ever saw be- fore, excepting a Miss Dutton, that I met at Elder Hime's meeting in Boston, vvho was there a private attendant to a lady for a short time. In the month of May, Catharine, brother Eben's wife, came to see me, I told her as niucli as possible what I had suffered, and how destroyed I was, and asked her why she did not ttll me where I was going, and what was to be done to ine. She said she did not know it till I was just going out of the house, but I did not believe it, for her husband was one of the bondsmen. This brother's wife { had loved much for her stron};; virtuous principles and piety. How she could have been accessory to tiiis treatment towards me, to screen them from public censure, I did not know ; but the deed was done. She stopped about ten minutes, and said she would come and see me again. But the summer passed away without one com- ing to see me. I often plead with Dr. Bell to let me see some one, but I was told that they orst characters, entire strangers, and about three months in a stone dungeon, a poor unprotected girl. — • Would it not almost make you deranged? Had a poor persecuted christian ought to be consigned into the hands of unconverted rough men? What criminal ever vtas executed in our land but if they made the request to see some minister or pious friend it was allow- ed them; but no, I was a poor persecuted christian : I asked to see some minister, Mr. Winslow I particularly asked to see; but no, the last and fatal blow must be struck upon me. If I had violated the laws of our country, why not give me a lawful trial in a court of justice and let me suffer the penalty attached to the laws which I had violated? If I was in a weak state and tryed about my spiritu- al state, was it right to shut me up away from all my dear associates and godly influence? At first I thought I was in a house of ill-fame. O, God only knows what I suffered and what I afterwards had to go through. Had I been deceived into siich a house it would have been nothing to what my situation is, and what my sufferings have been. Dear christian reader, I will show you by the Bible where I was when I was carried into Charlestown Hospital. When I was con- verted I had a strong hope to support me against the wind and tide of this world. As an anchor is to a ship so is a hope in Christ Je- sus to a person in this world. They are saved from the pollution of the world through the washing of regeneration; saved from the corruption that is m their own heart and the temptations around them. There is but one religion that is good for any thing, of one's religion is as good as another's. But why is all this conten- tion about religion ? it must mean something. One soul saved from sinning by being washed in the blood of Christ is of more value than all this world. Dear reader, have patience and I will soon bring you to the point that I wish you to understand. If holiness is lia- ble to become a disease, as they pretend to say it does, and man has found out how to give medicine to take away from a person what they call derangement and the agony is so great and then it leaves the person in a state of suffering hereof body and without the spirit of Christ, a person must suffer forever, for out of Christ God is a consuming fire; but in Christ a person can bless and praise God amidst the burning flames. When a person is converted they are turned from persuing the love of this world and seek after that holy love that is in them which is Christ and let all their actions be con- strained by that love. After a person is converted they commence running after a prize, which is Christ, and in Christ is all the God- head bodily, Father, Sou and Holy Ghost. Again, Christ will thor- oughly purge his floor, cast out unclean spirits out of your heart and you enter the second tiuie without sin unto salvation. Again to all 39 who look for him he will appear the second time without sin unto salvation, change their vile bodies and make them like unto his most glorious body, or baptize them with fire and with the Holy Ghost, or being clothed upon with our house from heaven, which is eternal, immortal and full ot glory. Christian reader, I had embraced the views that are agitated at the present day, that the world is soon to be destroyed, or what is called Miller's doctrine. All I aimed at was to get out of sin, or being obliged to go with the multitude to commit sin, as I hated wrong and unholy actions, and to get ready to go up to meet the Lord in the air as every one that has this hope within himself puri- fies even as he is pure; for it is by grace which you are saved and not of yourself, it is the gift of God. What to me was gain I counted loss and dross; yea, dung, if I could but win Christ. I so run as to obtain the prize in six years. The prize is winning Christ, and in Christ Jesus is all the Godhead bodily, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. It is the crown which is immortal, eternal and full of glory. Truly I was full of the Holy Ghost, entered into the holy city and had right to the tree of life, which the leaves thereof are for the healing of the nations. Holiness belongs to the heart, not to day^, months, or years. The people of God ire to be the holy iti all their actions and thoughts ; they are saved from following sin by having the spirit of Christ. Christian reader, I know you must read this with mingled emo- tions; and it must wring your heart with grief to think that the Son of God has been crucified; but it leaves the person that was in pos- session of this heavenly treasure of course to be forever in distress, for there remaineth no more sacrifice, which must add double grief to you in perusing these pages; or are you ready to throw it back upon me, saying it is all a delusion; that man cannot destroy the goul; man's power is not greater than God's. But, christian reader, it is knowledge that man. has obtained of chemistry. By putting two substances together a third is produced unlike both. What the medicine is I know not, but I think I could tell it if I saw it. — Christian reader, you have never thought it to be very strange that a person could be poisoned to death. In that case it seperates spirit from matter; and in this case it seperates God's Holy Spirit from, niatter, for you know it is not only a belief, for the Devils believe and tremble. But it is having Jesus in you, the hope of glory, a praving spirit; and 1 wish you to understand it is that praying spirit that can be taken from you by medicine. The medicine hardens or petrifies tlie brain. In my case it is the brain that lays in the hack part of my head that is destroyed, where the faculties of affection are located; for the volume of nature and revelation agree. I refer now to the science of Phrenology, as there is truth in it whether you believe it or not. The fifih Chapt. of Gallations tells what you 40 are bv nature, and what you must be in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. By sowing to the spirit, I crucitied my affections and lusts, ceased to do the works of the flesh. You may think this is not in this world, but it is only winning the prize for the high call- ing which is in Christ, or entering in upon the seventh Sabbath. — As Dr. Bell has given me medicine that has kille(i that spirit in me 1 have no idea of holiness or hatred to sin, and I have no idea of worship, for we worship what we supremely love and bring all our actions to bear upon that object on which our affections are set. — But the idea of love is gone Irom me, and iny body is void of happi- ""fiess, both carnal and spiritual. Let there be a mighty cry made by the public, and search into the iniquity of Charlestown McLean Assylum. I know it is held up by what is called the popular class, but it is a combination of men, a system that is worse than slavery, and any crime can be done there and covered up under the garb of derangement, and no one interfere. Dear Chrislian reader, I have put forth this appeal to let the chris- tian world know that this knowledge is known upon the earth, and jt is in the hands of the wicked. Why is the public so silent upon the sufferiuirs of a poor girl ? If 1 had been taken by the unciviliz- ed red man of the the woods and not half so cruelly treated, the papers would have been full of it. If I had led a low, debasing life, and had been murdered like an Ellen Jewett, the public would have been roused and the papers woidd have been full of it from east to west, and from north to south; but a more horrid crime has been done. O! th.\t a dagger had he.cn plunged into my hicart in the midnight hour; it would have been but momentary suffering and then my immortal mind growing and expanding throughout the countless ages of eternity in the knowledge and wisdom of God. Reader, you may be ready to throw it back upon me, saying it is derangement, \ expect it; let me once have heard of such a tiling and I don't know but I should have thought it derangement. But, christian render, it is you and you only that can understand a part of my language, speaking about my spiritual life. All wlio former- ly knew me, vvh) .see me now, SJiy that ^oI(le cruelty has been done h> me. My old neighbors that knew me iVom a child, say that 1 am so altered they hardly know me My old New liampion .^cIiodI mates that 1 have met with since 1 was taken out of the llospiial, start back vvitii surprise and say that they can hiirdly trac(; a look in me that I om-e had, and not a trait in my deportment that I once possessed. They say " that countenance tlu.t once was lit Uj) with h:ip|)jncss is imw marked with 6<.^f\) sorrow ; those eyes ih<)t once sparkled with jov are now i^c^in\ and snidten with jrief, and the lan- guage, and the voice are so different tiiat some destruction hcis come upon you;" and when 1 tell them what it i.'i, my long imprisuiiment, sixteen mouths and twenty days, not allowed to see any one that I 41 ever saw before, only three of my folks during the time, nor allowed to write; how my happiness is taken from me, my body r;icke(J and tortured, the distressed situation thiit I am in, they are bathed in tears., " O tell me not, Elizabeth, that you are lost; you was ®nce so happy in the love of God," and the deep loud sob bursts from their full hearts, " Can this be Elizabeth Stone; can this crime be done and this cruelty practised here in the midst of us and covered up and nothing said about it?" Is this the state of our country, that the rights of a poor female are trampled upon, and the laws of our country, where there has been so much blood spilt to work out the liberty of every free born son and daughter of America. And because I endeavor to make known to the world this crime, 1 am threatened with a second im- j)risoninent, by my brother Eben. If it is a crazy story surely it . will do nQ.harm,. and if it is not, why had it not ought, to .come oat. LeT a council of physicians be held upon my body and see ill am a person that can enjoy life. I think that minds that understand the organization of the human body and its functions will say that some outrage has been commitedupon me. If I had lost my renson is it right to take the advantage of a crazy person and destroy happiness..- Chariestown McLean Assylum is to a weak excited person as a- grog-shop is to an intemperate man, or a house of ill-fame, to a li- centious person: they can be completely ruined. 1 hope this will,, be looked into before another one is destroyed, and that those still remaining in that awful place of imprisonment, weeping their hours away, may be relieved by seeing their friends soon. May God awaken the mind of the public to the sufferings oi the helpless. I am frequently asked the question, by those who hear of my suf- ferings, if I don't think I shall be happy after death. I will aiiSA'er this here so every one may know what niy dreadful situation is. — JN'o! for reasons before stated, At the request of many of my friends, 1 have been examined by a magnetized somnambulist, and I am requested to state the result of the examination to the public. I was examined the first time by Mr. Fowler, the Phrenologist, taking a lock of my hair lo Miss Gleason. She stated that I had great distress in the back part of my head, my spinal marrow was dry ; distress in my limbs, inclined fi» sit forwards; disngreabie feeling at my stomach; nervous teni[>er- ament; needed kind treatmeiit, &c. The loth of July 1 was ex- amined again by Miss Gleason, being personally present. She wiis magnetized by Mr. Butrick, a stranger to me. I did not go into the room till after she was asleep. She stated about the same as- she did the first titne, but added, that my brain looked dark; that I had been in such distress it was a wonder 1 had lived throuirh it; and 1 still was in distress; my brain was drawn toyetiier and she clenched her hands together ni order to convey the idea; yhe remarked upon 42 n)y disposition, toeing very decided in my opinion ; an enquiririy mind, desiring to labor with my head rather than my hands, which had incensed my relations against me; and it would have been bet- ter for rne if they had put me into the grave alive than carried me to the Hospital. If I had bever been carried there I should not have been as I am now; for the future I could not labor with my head. If 1 published my sufferings to the world it would not be believed because 1 could not now use language to e.xpress myself She thought it would be investigated. July 23d, I was examined in public by Mrs. Pease, at the Mason- ic Hall, who was with Mr. Shattuck lecturing on Magnetism. I was an entire stranger to them both. She statf;d that 1 was nervous, distressed in the back part of my head; that some powerful mineral medicine had been given to me, which had injured me; that I had been cruelly deceived. She described the medicine to be pills and a liquid, very dark and some colored resembling saffron; that it had injured my brain, and it never ought to have been given to me; and 1 had hef.ii injured by unkind treatment; my ainbitioti led me to go beyond my strength in labor aiid reading, and that medicine ought not to be given to any one, fcc. Many were present who had heard •of my sufferings and were surprised to hear her tell it so exactly. May God bring to light this awful crime, for my sufferings do not end in this world, although the crime was done by others. In conclusion, before this work is attributed to insanity why will not the public demand an examination of the affairs and management of the Mc'Lean Assylum, and see whether my charges be true or false. ERRATA. In the 25th line first page, read "It" for "1." Same page 5th line from the bottom, rend "1" for "It." On 4th page, 24th anti 25th lines, .nfter " refused to obey him" read " for my teacher said without the mind was enlightened by the Spirit of CliriSf it was not prepared for knowledge." Page 10th, 3:Jd line, for " Eliza Dam- i>'U?" rend " Caroline Danmiers." On 12th pnae, 4th line, read " Davii'" instead of "Daniel." On paire 22d, 18th line, for "him" read "my mother." Same page, 20ih line, for "too"read "to come." Same p iffe, 29th line, for "noon" read "night." On 26th pase, 12th line from bottom, for " non-Sfjintual" read "nor spiritual." On the 2*^11] paae, 22d line, read " from snfteiing, for matter cannot Ue annihilated: but I should to" &c. On 29th page, 9th linr, instead of "and said they are," tfec, read " and says the organs art," &c. wSame paore. Hith line from the bottom, for "Dr. Fox," read " Dr. Bell." C)n :3lst page, Slh hue, for "Dr. Kay," read " Dr. Ray." h BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3_9999 06561 534 4 ^- »tJ -:^^/'''' \ ,4^ «'-,-.^